Saturday, September 30, 2017

How to Calculate Minute Cost of Sewing Line in Garments Industry?

Method for Calculating Cost Per Minute of Sewing Line in Garments Industry:

An industrial engineer can easily calculate cost per minute of sewing line in apparel industry by following the two different formulas. Those are in the below:
1. Cost per minute of sewing line,

2. Cost per minute of sewing line,
Now, two examples are enough to clear all the confusions from the above discussion.

Example for the formula number-01:

Suppose, in Nishat garments ltd. total salary of sewing line for one day is 10000taka, no. of manpower’s for 20 machines is 30 and line efficiency is 50%, then calculate cost per minute in 8 working hours of each sewing line for that garments.


Total salary of sewing line for one day = 10000 taka,
Total no. of manpower’s = 30,
Total working hours = 8,
Line efficiency= 50% = 0.5
Cost per minute of sewing line,

= 1.39 taka
So, cost per minute for each sewing line of nishat garments is 1.39 taka.

Example for the formula number-02:

Suppose, in Abonty fashion ltd. actual salary per day of all the operators and helpers is 15000, total garments produced per day is 400, where standard allowed minutes (SAM) for the garments is 20. Then calculate cost per minute of each sewing line for that garments.


Actual salary per day of all the operators and helpers = 15000,
Total no. of garments produced = 400,
Standard Allowed Minutes (SA
M) for the garments = 20
Cost per minute of sewings line,

= 1.875 taka
So, Cost per minute of sewing line is 1.875 taka.

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