Saturday, September 30, 2017

How to Calculate Line efficiency of Garment Production

Calculation Method for Line Efficiency of a Garment Production:

An industrial engineer has to confirm the following items before starting the calculation method for line efficiency of a garment production:

  1. Production output from the line (Pcs),
  2. Standard allowed minutes (SAM) for garments,
  3. Total number of operators in the line,
  4. Total working hours.
Now, by applying all the above items in the below formula, an industrial engineer can easily estimate the line efficiency of a garment production.
Line Efficiency (%),
Now, one example is enough to remove all the confusions from the above discussion.


In Zara Fashion Ltd. a garment production line produced 300pcs Sweet shirt garments in 45 Standard allowed minutes (SAM) by using 40 operators, where working hours was 8.
Now, estimate the lines efficiency for the mentioned garment production.
Production output from the line- 300pcs
Standard allowed minutes (SAM) for Sweet shirt garments – 45
Total number of operators in the line – 40
Total working hours – 8hrs
Now, by using the following formula, industrial engineer can estimate easily the line’s efficiency of the mentioned garment production.
Line Efficiency (%),

= 70.3%
So, lines efficiency of the mentioned sweet shirt garments production stands at 70.3%

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