Thursday, June 24, 2021

Garments Pre-Production Activity Check List

 Pre-production process is planning that is done prior to the bulk garment production. That includes samples development and approvals, sourcing and testing raw materials, garment costing, pattern making and process planning. Efficient production can't be reached without the pre-production processes.

Pre-production check list:

Sunday, May 9, 2021

The marketing mix: position

Fashion retailing is a dynamic and fluid business and strategy needs to reflect this: creating a competitive advantage in a market sector is an essential part of maintaining the necessary level of interest.

Identifying market position enables a company to determine its strategy and direction in order to present and maintain a strong recognizable brand image and identity to customers. Analysis of market position involves a lot of detail, such as cost control, infrastructure, cost of materials, economies of scale, management skills, availability of personnel and compatibility of manufacturing resources. A fashion retailing strategy should highlight the way in which the business may construct entry barriers to the competition. These can include high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale via sourcing policies; creating exclusive access to distribution channels to prevent others from using them; and the ability to clearly differentiate products. This is linked to the retailer’s ability to buy in bulk and volume and to work with suppliers effectively to create advantages.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Merchandising serves the following purposes

Direct communication with customer regarding day to day activities of business. 

Internal communication with different departments regarding daily activities. 

  • Keeping and maintaining strong relationship with customers.
  • Providing information to different department.
  • Handling different queries of customers.
  • Making samples on customer demand.
  • Generating more customers
  • Research & Development
  • Follow up of samples.
  • Samples approval.
  • Pricing / Costing
  • Targets achieving.
  • Order execution
  • Order booking

The Concept of Textile Merchandising

 Merchandising in textile is not synonymous with merchandising being practiced in consumer product companies. It is much broader in its scope, activities and responsibilities.

Retail Merchandise:

The term merchandising in retailing refers to the total process of stock planning, management and control. The merchandising needs a good numeric skill and ability to make trends, relationships and co-relationship within regular sales and stock. The responsibilities of merchandiser are changes from company to company, according to structure they adopt. The traditional merchandising role is integrated with the buying, which merchandising team has responsible for both the planning and stock allocation. The structure of traditional is shown in figure.

Now a day’s many retailer change the responsibilities of merchandising according to the company, some remove the distribution role and this responsibility is then given to the distribution team separately. By this the retailer can save the cost, more importantly the company can control of the entire process. We have seen many business retailers who applied different parameters to stock management can easily lose on their stock.

Textile Mills and Buying House: 

  • Merchandising can be termed as heart of making a product fail or pass.
  • Merchandising can be a difference between winning or losing a project/customer. 

  • Merchandising means finding new customers and markets. 

  • Merchandising means retaining the customers and extracting more orders from them.
  • Merchandising means making the customers delighted/satisfied on one hand and brining profits for the company on other. 

  • Merchandising means making communication bridge between the company and its customers. 

  • Merchandising means completion of project/order placed by the buyer as per its requirements in right time, quality and quantity.