Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Over Dyeing & Tinting of Garments |

Tinting & Over Dyeing: 
After denim pant is being faded, the pants have dyed with very light color(.001% or .002%yellow or pink). This dyeing process is called Tinting/Over dyeing .This process is applied only on garments, not in fabric or yarn.

Tinting and over dyeing can be highlighted by the following way:
  1. This type of process is done after different types of washing before softening.
  2. Normally after Acid wash, Stone wash, Stone enzyme wash, Sand Blasting, Enzyme wash etc. tinting & over dyeing is done.
  3. Tinting & over dyeing is done with Direct dyes or Reactive dyes.
  4. Due to tinting and over dyeing, the white/base area colored with required dye yellow,Brown, Orange etc.
  5. As a result, new color effect is produced in the garments.
  6. If direct dye is used then color fixing treatment should be done at the end of dying process. In case over dyeing/Tinting with reactive dyes, color fastness is good hence no after treatment is required to fix the reactive dyes.
Tinting by Direct Dye: 

First Step: After different wet processing i.e. Acid wash, Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Stone enzyme wash, Bleach wash take 60 kg garment for Tinting & over dyeing. 
  1. Water at L : R = 1: 7.............. 420 Liter
  2. Run the Machine.
  3. Temperature................. 50 - 80°c
  4. Dir. Brown GTL - at 0.04%........... 24 Gms.
  5. Dir. Orange ZTL- at 0.01%........... 6 Gms.
  6. Add Salt at 20 gm / liter ............ 8.40 kg.
  7. Add Leveling agent at 0.5% /........ 210 gm.
  8. Time................................ 10 to 30 mts.
  9. Rinse by cold water 3 minutes.

Second Step:  Fixing 
  1. Batch size .............................. 60 kg.
  2. Water at L : R = 1: 7.............. 420 Liter
  3. Run the Machine.
  4. Temperature................. 50°c
  5. Add fixing agent at 0.8 %(owf) ... 480 gm.
  6. Time............................................ 10 mts. 
Third Step:  Softening. 
  1. Batch size.................... 60 kg.
  2. Water at L : R = 1 : 7 ............................ 420 Liter
  3. Add Acetic Acid at 0.6 gm/liter ............ 250 gm.
  4. Add Cationic softener at 1 gm/liter ...... 420 gm.
  5. Time................................ 10 mts.
  6. Drop the liquor.
  7. Then unload the garments on trolley. 
Fourth Step:  Hydro extractor machine. 
Hydroextractor machine is used to remove excess water from the garments. Fifth Step: - Dryer machine. After hydro extraction the garments are sent to drying m/c for complete drying. Sixth Step: - Quality & Delivery. After drying the garments go to quality checking & rectify washing fault and then good one delivery. 

Tinting by Reactive dye: 

First Step:  After different wet processing i.e. Acid wash, Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Stone enzyme wash, Bleach wash take 60 kg garment for Tinting & over dyeing. 
  1. Water at L : R = 1: 7.... 420 Liter
  2. Run the Machine.
  3. Temperature................. 60°c
  4. Reactive Red
  5. Reactive Yellow - Brown ......... 100 gm.
  6. Reactive Black -
  7. Leveling agent - at 0.5 gm / liter.......240 gm.
  8. Salt - at 20 gm / liter........... 8.40 kg.
  9. Soda ash at 10 gm / liter ............ 4.20 kg.
  10. Time................................ 20 to 30 mts.
  11. Drop the liquor.
Second Step:  Fixing. 
  1. Batch size.................... 60 kg.
  2. Water at L: R = 1 : 8 .............. 480 Liter
  3. Run the Machine.
  4. Temperature.................................. 50°c
  5. Add fixing agent at1 gm / liter..... 480 gm.
  6. Time............................................. 10 mts.
  7. Drop the liquor.
Third Step:  Softening. 
  1. Batch size.................... 60 kg.
  2. Water at L : R = 1: 7.............. 420 Liter
  3. Add Acetic Acid at 0.6 gm/liter ............ 250 gm.
  4. Add Cationic softener at 1 gm/liter ...... 420 gm.
  5. Time................................ 10 mts.
  6. Drop the liquor.  
  7. Then unload the garments on trolley
Fourth Step:  Hydro extractor machine. 
Hydro extractor machine is used to remove excess water from the garments. Fifth Step: - Dryer machine. After hydro extraction the garments are sent to drying m/c for complete drying. Sixth Step: - Quality & Delivery. After drying the garments go to quality checking & rectify washing fault and then good one delivery.

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