Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sample | Sample Room | Sample Room Activities


Sample garment is very important in readymade garment business. A sample is that by which any person can understand the production, qualities, and performance of the total garment export order. Sample is made in the sample room according to buyer’s instruction. It can ensure the garment buyer as well as to the customer about the pre and post condition of the garments order. Sample is also used to take required ideas from the market about the business promotion of that order.

Sample Room:

Sample room
Sample room in reaymade garment industry
Sample room is the most important section in the readymade garments industry. A sample room is that where design ideas are taken from drawing to tangible garment. It is that kinds of production room where required amount of sample (2pcs or 3pcs or more) can be made according to the buyer’s recommendation.
It should be noted here that, the most experienced and well performer employee engaged in the sample room section. The sample room is consists with the fashion designers, pattern makers, sample pattern cutters, fabric specialists, sample machinists, fit specialists who all are expert in their specific area.
After making the pattern of the garments, it’s lay down onto the required quality of fabric and cut out the necessary amount of pieces for the particular style. After that, cutting fabric sent to the sample machinists who complete all kinds of sewing operations by using different types of sewing machines. Finally, quality controller checks the garments by following the buyer’s recommendation and submit to the garments merchandising department.

Activities of Sample Room:

There are some important activities of every sample section in the garment manufacturing industries which is pointed out in the below:
  1. To make the proper sample by following buyer’s instruction.
  2. To understand the requirements of buyer.
  3. To fulfill the requirements of buyer.
  4. To inform the accuracy or confirmation to the buyer that the bulk production is going to be right.
  5. To confirm the measurement and fabric requirements.
  6. To make the perfection in the pattern and marker.
  7. To make perfection in the fabric consumption.
  8. To make perfection in the garment costing.
  9. To utilizes the skill operation with skilled operator during garment sewing.
  10. To get understanding completely to the operators and management as well about the upcoming garment production of that order.
  11. To combine the overall performance of a garment export order.

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